Monday, March 10, 2025
Big Bang Mirror

Call for Submissions, TIJUANA TRIENNIA

Open Call for Submissions TIJUANA TRIENNIAL: 2. PICTORIC INTERNATIONAL ART Tijuana Cultural CenterJuly 2024 – February 2025 First Call The Tijuana Cultural Center, CECUT, an organism from the...
Francisco Ceron NY 19


INTERVIEW WITH FRANCISCO CERON/THE SOUL OF THE CITY By Dr. Milagros Bello/art critic/curator*. Francisco Cerón proposes a contemporary figurative work of urban references. His work intertextually...
Jean Michel Basquiat


JEAN MICHEL BASQUIAT Brooklyn, New York, United States 1960 - 1988 “If you wanna talk about influence, man, then you’ve got to realize that influence is not...
Art Palm Beach 2023

Art Palm Beach 2023

Art Palm Beach 2023PALM BEACH COUNTY CONVENTION CENTER650 Okeechobee Blvd, West Palm Beach, FL 33401January 25 - 29, 2023 West Palm Beach, Fla. (Jan 3,...
El valor de la palabra poética en la saga, Eduardo Planchart Licea, curador y crítico de arte

El valor de la palabra poética en la saga

El valor de la palabra poética en la saga Por Eduardo Planchart Licea, curador y crítico de arte Snorri creó un género literarios llamado saga,...
Altamira Libros

Altamira Libros

Celebramos el idioma español ! LIBROS EN ESPAÑOL ONLINE Altamira Libros es una librería independiente, ubicada "The City Beautiful", en Miami, Florida. Nuestra misión es promover el idioma...
Eduardo Planchart Licea

Eduardo Planchart Licea

Curador y crítico de arte Eduardo Planchart Licea Youtube Eduardo Planchart Licea (1954): Es magíster en filosofía Latinoamericana en la USB de Venezuela y PhD de...

Here’s my top 9 takeaways of the year! Use them to maximize your success...

Here's my top 9 takeaways of the year! Use them to maximize your success in 2023. Nick FriendOwner, Art Storefronts 1. You're underpriced. Reaching proper pricing is...
Marcelo Verdad

Marcelo Verdad presenta el libro “El peor Teddy del Mundo”

Marcelo Verdad presenta el libro “El peor Teddy del Mundo” Una figura muy interesante se asoma al mundo de la literatura infantil. El autor e...
Tanishka PR y Frank GSZ

El dúo Tanishka PR y Frank GSZ graba la canción “Algarete”

El dúo Tanishka PR y Frank GSZ graba la canción “Algarete” El dúo integrado por la puertorriqueña Tanishka PR y el cubano Frank GSZ lanza...
Art Palm Beach

Art Palm Beach Wraps Up Successful First Show

Art Palm Beach Wraps Up Successful First ShowThe show is celebrating major success and record sales This weekend Art Palm Beach wrapped up its first...
Balance cube midtown Miami Rafael Montilla

Cube Balance

A lo largo de la historia, la humanidad ha querido profundizar en los orígenes de la vida sobre la tierra o en los mitos...
franklin sirmans

Franklin Sirmans

Franklin Sirmans, Director at Pérez Art Museum Miami Franklin Sirmans is the director of the Pérez Art Museum Miami (PAMM). Prior to taking his position...
Installation View of Georg Karl Pfahler, Hard Edge | 1963 -1984, February 18 - March 19, 2022

Georg Karl Pfahler

Georg Karl Pfahler, German, 1926–2002 Pfahler dedicated his entire career to the investigation of the relationship between colour, shape and space, an objective he steadfastly...
Imi Knoebel

Imi Knoebel

Imi Knoebel "If you want to do something, to stay alive, you have to think of something radical." Minimalist Abstract Art Imi Knoebel, purist explorations of form,...
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