Home Art The Case for Video Art video art ArtContemporary ArtEnglish The Case for Video Art FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsApp The Case for Video Art What is video art? How is it any different from all the other moving pictures that are apparently not-art? Let’s explore its history and present. Perez Art Museum PAMMCover photo: Teresa Cabello. Printing shop in Kendall, FL RELATED ARTICLESMORE FROM AUTHOR Art The Collective 62 Presents Disturbances in the Field Curated by Michelle Weinberg Art Mia Curatorial Projects Presents Art Matters Art “God Made Bob, Bob Made Rock” - Advertisement -Recent Posts The Collective 62 Presents Disturbances in the Field Curated by Michelle Weinberg Art Editor Mia Curatorial Projects Presents Art Matters Art Editor “God Made Bob, Bob Made Rock” Art Editor Colour Senses Project + Miami Art Week 2024 Art Editor