Renata Cervetto, Agustín Pérez Rubio, María Berríos, Lisette Lagnado (f.l.t.r.)
© Photo: F. Anthea Schaap

Biografías de lxs curadorxs

11ª Bienal de Arte Contemporáneo de Berlín, 2020

Renata Cervetto

(* 1985 Buenos Aires) Has an ongoing curiosity for artistic practices in dialogue with language, public space, and body memories. She has researched the pedagogical programs of the Mercosul and São Paulo biennials, looking into how performance can result in critical mediation and the possibilities for negotiation and debate that this offers within different contexts. In 2013–14 Cervetto participated in the De Appel Curatorial Programme in Amsterdam, followed by a fellowship to develop a one-year public program at De Appel in 2014. This also included a compilation of her research in The Fellow Reader #1. On Boycott, Censorship and Educational Practices (De Appel, 2015). From 2015–18 she coordinated the education department of the Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires (MALBA).

Cervetto coedited the publication Agítese antes de usar. Desplazamientos educativos, sociales y artísticos en América Latina (TEOR/éTica, San José, and MALBA, Buenos Aires, 2017, with texts by Lisette Lagnado, among others) together with Miguel A. López. In recent years, she has been exploring how consciousness (or self-awareness) can be developed through pedagogical-poetic exercises.

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