What Is The Importance Of Art In The Hospitality Industry

Art has always been leveraged across the hospitality sector as a sound marketing strategy for forming a lasting connect with guests.

How Does Art Benefit The Hotel?

Integrating Hospitality Elements.
Luxury Isn’t The Only Option.
Get The Attention Of Your Clients.
Innovate your Business with Art.
Make A Statement.
Make Sure They’re Around.

Decorating a hotel with fine art can create a sophisticated and elegant atmosphere for guests. Fine art can range from paintings and sculptures to prints and photographs, and can be displayed in various ways throughout the hotel.

Installation artworks (also sometimes described as ‘environments’) often occupy an entire room or gallery space that the spectator has to walk through in order to engage fully with the work of art. Some installations, however, are designed simply to be walked around and contemplated, or are so fragile that they can only be viewed from a doorway, or one end of a room. What makes installation art different from sculpture or other traditional art forms is that it is a complete unified experience, rather than a display of separate, individual artworks. The focus on how the viewer experiences the work and the desire to provide an intense experience for them is a dominant theme in installation art.


COLOR: An element of art made up of three properties: hue, value, and intensity. • Hue: is simply
the name of a color

LINE: An element of art defined by a point moving in space. Line may be two-or three-dimensional, descriptive, implied, or abstract.

SHAPE: An element of art that is two-dimensional, flat, or limited to height and width.

FORM: An element of art that is three-dimensional and encloses volume; includes height, width and depth (as in a cube, a sphere, a pyramid, or a cylinder). Form may also be free flowing.

VALUE: The lightness or darkness of tones or colors. White is the lightest value; black is the darkest. The value halfway between these extremes is called middle gray.

SPACE: An element of art by which positive and negative areas are defined or a sense of depth achieved in a work of art.

TEXTURE: An element of art that refers to the way things feel, or look as if they might feel if
touched. Texture can be real or implied.\

PRINCIPLES OF ART: Balance, emphasis, movement, proportion, rhythm, unity, and variety; the means an artist uses to organize elements within a work of art.

BALANCE: A way of combining elements to add a feeling of equilibrium or stability to a work of art. Balance can be symmetrical, radial or asymmetrical.

Emphasis is an area or object within the artwork that draws attention and becomes a focal point, often through strong contrast.

MOVEMENT: A Principle of Design used to create the look and feeling of action and to guide the viewer’s eye throughout the work of art.

Proportion tends to refer to the relative size of parts within a whole. In this case, the whole can be a single object like a person’s face or the entire artwork as in a landscape.

Scale refers to the size of an object (a whole) in relationship to another object (another whole). In art the size relationship between an object and the human body is significant. In experiencing the scale of an artwork we tend to compare its size to the size of our own bodies.

Rhythm is a Principle of Design that suggests movement or action. Rhythm is usually achieved through repetition of lines, shapes, colors, and more. It creates a visual tempo in artworks and provides a path for the viewer’s eye to follow.

Unity (also called harmony) is an important principle of design that gives the artwork a sense of cohesion or coherence. It is the wholeness or completeness of a picture. Unity is used by artists to tie a composition together and help the composition make sense as a whole piece of art.

Variety is the Principle of Design that adds interest to an artwork.Variety works through juxtaposition and contrast. When an artist places different visual elements next to one another, they are using variety. Straight lines next to curvy lines add variety. Organic shapes among geometric shapes add variety. Bright colors next to dull colors add variety

TIME Art exists in time as well as space. Time implies change and movement; movement implies the passage of time. Movement and time, whether actual or an illusion, are crucial elements in art.

POINT A point marks a position in space. In pure geometric terms, a point is a pair of x & y coordinates. It has no mass at all. Graphically, however, a point takes form as a dot, a visible mark. A point can be an insignificant fleck of matter or a concentrated locus of power. It can penetrate like a bullet, pierce like a nail, or pucker like a kiss. A mass of points becomes texture, shape, or plane. Tiny points of varying size create shades of gray

PLANE: A plane surface is a flat surface, and any distinct flat surface within a painting or sculpture can be referred to as a plane.

Layer Artworks with distinct overlays of visual imagery. This layering can be achieved both through the physical build up of translucent mediums (such as paint or glass), or the artist’s composition

Opacity is used to describe how much light can pass through an object ranging from transparent through translucent to opaque.
Transparency is simply the quality of being able to see through (or partially see through) one or more layers in an artwork. Like texture, transparency can be real or it can be implied or suggested. Opacity is a similar term but refers to the inability to see through a layer.

Juxtaposition Extra emphasis given to a comparison when the contrasted objects are close together. In art this usually is done with the intention of bringing out a specific quality or creating an effect, particularly when two contrasting or opposing elements are used.

Composition is the placement or arrangement of visual elements or ‘ingredients’ in a work of art. It can also be thought of as the organization of the elements of art.

Pattern is an underlying structure that organizes surfaces or structures in a consistent, regular manner. Pattern can be described as a repeating unit of shape or form, but it can also be thought of as the “skeleton” that organizes the parts of a composition.

Important to have art in Hotel Lobby

The lobby is often the initial area guests encounter upon their arrival. Therefore, the artwork displayed in the lobby should be awe-inspiring and attention-grabbing to make a lasting impression on them.

A hotel lobby with art can be beneficial in several ways. Firstly, it creates a welcoming and aesthetically pleasing atmosphere for guests. Art can also be used to express the personality of the hotel and create a unique and memorable experience for guests. Additionally, art can serve as a conversation starter and help create a sense of community among guests.

Furthermore, displaying artwork in a hotel lobby can also serve as a marketing strategy for the hotel. It can attract potential guests who are art enthusiasts or appreciate a hotel that values and invests in art. Lastly, supporting local artists and displaying their artwork in the lobby can also help promote the local culture and community, which can be seen as a positive aspect by guests.

Important to have art in Hotel Room and Suite.

Since the hotel room is primarily where customers rest and unwind, it is crucial to have artworks that evoke a sense of comfort and tranquility. These artworks should exude warmth and coziness, creating an atmosphere that makes guests feel right at home and at ease.

Incorporating art into hotel rooms and suites can enhance the overall guest experience. Artworks in hotel rooms and suites can serve as a focal point, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere for guests. Art can also add a touch of elegance and sophistication to the room, making guests feel more luxurious and comfortable during their stay. Moreover, art can be used to complement the overall theme or design of the room, tying everything together in a cohesive and aesthetically pleasing way. By investing in art for hotel rooms and suites, hotel owners can elevate the guest experience and create a memorable and unique stay for their customers.

Important to have art in Hotel Common Space

In modern hotels, guests often have access to common areas for socializing and relaxation. These spaces provide an opportunity to showcase artwork that reflects the hotel’s culture or style.
Common areas in hotels, such as lounges, restaurants, and other communal spaces, provide guests with a place to socialize, relax, and enjoy the hotel’s amenities. The art chosen for these spaces should complement the decor and create a welcoming atmosphere for guests to feel comfortable and at ease.

Having art in the common spaces of a hotel is essential to creating a welcoming and engaging environment for guests. Whether it’s the lobby, lounge, or dining area, these spaces are where guests gather to socialize and relax outside of their rooms. The artwork displayed in these areas should not only enhance the aesthetic appeal but also reflect the hotel’s culture and style. The right artwork can help create a unique and memorable experience for guests, encouraging them to return in the future. In addition, it can spark conversations and create a sense of community among guests. Therefore, it is important for hotels to carefully consider the selection and placement of art in their common spaces.

Important to have art in Hotel Bathroom

Artwork in hotel bathrooms can enhance the overall guest experience and add to the aesthetic appeal of the space. Bathrooms can often be overlooked when it comes to decorating, but they are an essential part of the guest’s stay. Art in the bathroom can create a sense of luxury and relaxation, and it can also serve as a focal point or conversation starter. When choosing art for the bathroom, it is important to consider the theme and color scheme of the space, as well as the overall style and ambiance of the hotel. The art should complement the existing decor and add to the overall mood of the bathroom. Whether it’s a painting, photograph, or sculpture, art in the hotel bathroom can elevate the guest experience and make them feel pampered and valued.

To complement the bathroom’s overall design, artworks should be simple and in line with the style. Abstract paintings or prints are recommended for this space. Abstract paintings or prints with bright palette color are recommended.

Important to have art in hotel elevators

Artists can turned the elevators and escalators into great art space

Art in elevators can be a great way to create a unique and memorable experience for guests. Since elevators are often small, the artwork should be appropriately sized and visually interesting, but not overwhelming. Consider using murals, mosaics, lights or digital displays to create a dynamic and engaging atmosphere. Art in elevators can also serve a functional purpose, such as providing information about the hotel or its amenities.

How Does Art Benefit The Hotel?

Integrating Hospitality Elements
Luxury Isn’t The Only Option.
Get The Attention Of Your Clients.
Innovate your Business with Art
Make A Statement
Make Sure They’re Around.

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