African Artists Rising
African Artists Rising: The Top Shaping Contemporary Art
Africa's rich tapestry of cultures and histories has long served as inspiration for artists worldwide, but it wasn't until recently that artists born on the continent began...
Gerardo Mosquera
Gerardo Mosquera
Gerardo Mosquera (nacido en 1945 en La Habana, Cuba) es un reconocido curador, crítico de arte, historiador y escritor cubano, con una destacada trayectoria en el ámbito del arte contemporáneo a nivel internacional.
Phillip & Patricia Frost Museum of Science
Dive into Discovery at the Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science
Miami's skyline isn't just about shimmering towers and sun-drenched beaches. Nestled on the waterfront of Museum Park, the Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum...
El Renacimiento: Un Amanecer Cultural
El Renacimiento: Un Amanecer Cultural
El Renacimiento, como bien se ha mencionado, emerge en Italia durante el siglo XIV, marcando un período de profunda transformación cultural que se extiende por Europa hasta el siglo XVI....
Conversations: Transformation: Craft, Identity, and Materiality in Art
Conversations: Transformation: Craft, Identity, and Materiality in Art
Haitian artists in the spotlight
Haitian artists in the spotlightCreative voices connected to the Caribbean island nation are slowly getting the recognition they deserve
Agustin Pérez Rubio Biografía del curador
Biografías de lxs curadorxs
11ª Bienal de Arte Contemporáneo de Berlín, 2020
Agustin Pérez Rubio
(* 1972 Valencia) Has a curatorial and institutional practice relating to collaborative projects, gender and feminist issues, linguistics, architecture, politics, and postcolonial...
Colonial Florida Cultural Heritage Center presents Divine Presence: The Art of Margarita Cano
CFCHC presents Divine Presence: The Art of Margarita Cano
Miami, FL – April 1, 2021 – The Colonial Florida Cultural Heritage Center is pleased topresent Divine Presence: The Art of Margarita Cano on exhibit...
Geometrías orgánicas de María Angélica Viso
Geometrías orgánicas de María Angélica Viso
Por Susana Benko
Hace cuatro años tuve la oportunidad de entrevistar a María Angélica Viso y conocer las diversas etapas y series escultóricas que hasta ese momento ella había realizado....
Cantante de música cristiana Elizabeth Sánchez
La cantante de música cristiana Elizabeth Sánchez lanza su primer disco, “Nace una esperanza”
La joven presenta su primer disco, “Nace una Esperanza”, elegido como Mejor Álbum por la Academia de Arte Cristiano de Nueva...
Van Doesburg
Theo van Doesburg
Concrete Art, De Stijl, Neo-Plasticism, Bauhaus
Born: August 30, 1883 - Utrecht, Netherlands
Died: March 7, 1931 - Davos, Switzerland
Christian Emil Marie Küpper, who adopted the pseudonym Theo van Doesburg, was born in Utrecht,...
La importancia del crítico en el mercado del arte
La importancia del crítico en el mercado del arte
Por: José Gregorio Noroño, curador y crítico de arteHay artistas que no ven con agrado el trabajo del crítico. Esto sucede porque ha habido críticos perversos,...
Félix González-Torres
Félix González-Torres
American, b. Guáimaro, Cuba 1957, d. Miami, Florida 1996
(American, born Guáimaro, Cuba, 1957–died Miami, USA, 1996, due to complications arising from AIDS) encountered Spain directly in 1971, when he was sent as...
Thelma Golden
Thelma Golden
Thelma Golden is Director and Chief Curator of The Studio Museum in Harlem, an art museum founded in 1968 whose mission is to serve as the nexus for artists of African descent locally,...