Barnett Newman
Barnett Newman
Barnett Newman (1905-1970) studied at the Art Students League for much of the 1920s. Shortly after the beginning of World War II, he stopped painting and destroyed his early paintings. He resumed his...
¿Qué es un podcast y para que sirve?
¿Qué es un podcast y para que sirve?
Estudio de Podcast en Miami
¿Qué es un podcast?
Tabla de contenidos
¿Qué es un podcast?¿Porqué tener un podcast?1. Están en crecimiento y para quedarse2. No están saturados3. Permite...
Amiria Gale
Where can studying Art or Design take you? What kinds of careers exist for those who study creative subjects at high school? While you might have heard that...
Art residences for artists in South Florida
Residences for artists in South Florida
If you're looking for artist residencies in South Florida, you're in luck! There are a variety of programs that cater to different artistic disciplines and preferences. To find the...
About Art and Culture Center/Hollywood
The Art and Culture Center/Hollywood presents contemporary gallery exhibitions, live stage performances, and award-winning education programs in the visual and performing arts at three unique facilities in downtown Hollywood. The Center’s mission is to cultivate creativity...
Glory of the World: Color Field Painting (1950s to 1983)
Glory of the World: Color Field Painting (1950s to 1983)
NSU MUSEUM: E Las Olas Blvd, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
Las miradas del pensamiento de Alexander Martínez
Las miradas del pensamiento de Alexander Martínez
Teoría de la cognición situada
Teoría de la cognición situada
La Teoría de la cognición situada es un enfoque que transforma nuestra comprensión de cómo pensamos, aprendemos y comprendemos el mundo que nos rodea. Promovida por investigadores como John Seely...
Vinny Rivera presenta “Plan”
Vinny Rivera presenta "Plan" su nueva versión de bachata producida por DJ Magic Flow y DerekVinci
La sensación internacional de Bachata Vinny Rivera (@vinnyriveralive), está listo para cautivar a su audiencia una vez más con su...
Trailblazing Women in Performance Art
Trailblazing Women in Performance Art: Breaking Boundaries and Redefining the Art Scene
Pioneering women in performance art, pushing boundaries and challenging norms through their bold and thought-provoking works. Their art explores themes of identity, gender,...
Kinetic Art in Miami
Kinetic Art: The Art of Motion, Alexander Calder, Jean Tinguely, Carlos Cruz-Diez