Seven Works by Roberto Matta
Seven Works by Roberto Matta highlights a selection of works en route to the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia for the upcoming exhibition Roberto Matta and the Fourth Dimension. The exhibition at the State Hermitage Museum will take place in the White Hall of the General Staff Building in St. Petersburg from April 2 to June 30, 2019.
An Experience of Color
An Experience of Color: Landscapes & Legacies
Curated by Niama Safia Sandy, An Experience of Color: Landscapes and Legacies, is a mixed media exhibition simultaneously...
Art Palm Beach 2019
Art Palm Beach celebrates its 22nd Edition at the Palm Beach County Convention Center from January 16-20, 2019.
Date And Time
Wed, Jan 16, 2019, 6:00...
Miccosukee Indian Arts Crafts Festival
Miccosukee Indian Arts Crafts Festival
The 44th Annual Miccosukee Indian Arts & Crafts Festival is back for a weeklong celebration from December 26, 2018 through...
SUNDAY STORIES | Every 1st Sunday. Every month.
Sunday, January 6, 2019 Ages 1– 5 11am– 12pm
Visit MOCA for a live reading of “The Snowy Day” by Ezra Jack Keats followed by a puffy...
The Matrix
The Matrix (4K Restoration, 20th Anniversary)
Hosted by Coral Gables Art Cinema
Saturday, January 12, 2019 at 11:30 PM – 2 AM
Coral Gables Art Cinema260 Aragon Ave, Coral...
Book Presentation / Satira Opinion Magazine
Hosted by Creation Art Center and Miami Hispanic Cultural Arts Center
Friday, DEC 21 2018 at 7 PM – 9 PM
Miami Hispanic Cultural Arts Center111...
Superflex: “We Are All in the Same Boat” exhibit
Museum of Art and Design at MDC
DEC 19 2018 1pm600 Biscayne Blvd, Miami, Florida 33132
“We Are All in the Same Boat” is the first...
Concretismo y Abstracción.
Concretismo y Abstracción. Lenguajes de la Modernidad LatAm
Tuesday at 5 PM – 9 PM
Art Nouveau Gallery 348 NW 29th St, Miami, Florida 33127
(305) 573-4661
[email protected]
Anabel Morey, 7 Artistas, 7 Preguntas
¿Qué te llevó a las artes visuales?
Siempre me gustó el arte y disfrutaba mucho mis visitas a los museos. Recuerdo especialmente la fascinación que...
Mariana Sellanes, 7 preguntas, 7 artistas
¿Qué te llevó a las artes visuales?
Lo visual siempre ocupó un lugar importante en mi manera de expresarme y ver el mundo. Desde el...
An Experience of Color: Landscapes & Legacies
Hosted by Niama Safia Sandy, Curator. Anthropologist. Culture & Communications Specialist.The show will be on view at Spanierman Modern Miami151 NE 41 Street p 133,...
Elizabeth Schummer, 7 Artistas, 7 Preguntas
Elizabeth Schummer de Benatar
Odontólogo Cirujano Bucal UCV, NYU
Fotógrafa Diplomado CIEF-UCAB
Coordinadora de Proyectos de Fotografía del Espacio Anna Frank
¿Qué te llevó a las artes visuales?
Azalia Licón, 7 Artistas, 7 Preguntas
A medida que empecé a tomar conciencia del sutil desvanecimiento de lo que éramos como país, la fotografía, que sólo era un hobbie en mi vida, se fue transformando en un medio de expresión, en una terapia catártica y finalmente en registro del tiempo turbulento que vivimos