Loretta Pettway
Loretta Pettway
In her youth, Loretta Pettway had many Pettway quiltmaking mentors—including Missouri, Louella, Qunnie, grandmother Prissy, and stepmother Plummer T.—but she has kept to herself artistically throughout her...
Bridging Divides Through Stories: Dan Froot’s “Arms Around America” Takes the Stage in Miami
Bridging Divides Through Stories: Dan Froot’s "Arms Around America" Takes the Stage in Miami
Real Voices. Real Stories. A Live Radio Drama Inspiring Dialogue on Guns in America.
Los Archivos Akáshicos: El Inconsciente Colectivo y el Mundo de las Ideas
Los Archivos Akáshicos: El Inconsciente Colectivo y el Mundo de las Ideas
The Essential Role of the Art Curator
The Essential Role of the Art Curator: Shaping Narratives and Elevating Art
The Role of the Art Critic
The Role of the Art Critic: Shaping Perception and Dialogue in the Art World
The Essential Role of Artist Commission Contracts
The Essential Role of Artist Commission Contracts: Safeguarding Art, Expectations, and Professional Relationships
Charles Joseph Biederman
Charles Biederman: Innovador de la Abstracción Geométrica y Puente entre Arte, Ciencia y Naturaleza
Charles Biederman (1906-2004) fue un destacado artista estadounidense cuyas exploraciones en...
Alfredo Hlito
Alfredo Hlito: The Sculptor Who Transformed Abstract Reliefs into Bold, Dynamic Forms
El Miami Film Festival y la Lynn & Louis Wolfson II Family Foundation
El Miami Film Festival y la Lynn & Louis Wolfson II Family Foundation Anuncian a los Ganadores de The Louies, Otorgando $100,000 a Seis Cineastas Locales
Documentales Ganadores Explorarán a la Primera Comentarista Deportiva Femenina, una Querida Pista de Patinaje y Legados Generacionales
Miami Film Festival and Lynn & Louis Wolfson II
Miami Film Festival and Lynn & Louis Wolfson II Family Foundation Announces Winners of The Louies, Awarding $100,000 to Six Local Filmmakers
Winning Documentaries to Explore Miami’s Trailblazing Female Sportscaster, Beloved Roller Rink and Generational Legacies
Homenaje a Malevich de Victor Vasarely
Homenaje a Malevich de Victor Vasarely: Una Geometría en Movimiento