Neoplasticismo vs. De Stijl
Neoplasticismo vs. De Stijl: La delgada línea que separa el movimiento artístico de la filosofía artística
Ruth Asawa
Ruth Asawa wire art
Ruth Asawa was an influential American artist renowned for her innovative wire sculptures encapsulating her unique artistic vision and personal history....
Marlow Moss, su declaración
Una declaración de «Marjorie Moss» en francés de 1932, publicada en «Abstraction-Création: Art Non-Figuratif', número 1, París
Marlow Moss. 1931
puisque c'est le but de cet...
Native Tribes Art of the United States and Canada
Native Tribes Art of the United States and Canada
El arte como herramienta para la justicia social
El arte como herramienta para la justicia social
One Mind Lab Announces Opening Exhibition: “Meditations on Color”
One Mind Lab Announces Opening Exhibition: "Meditations on Color"
Coconut Grove, FL – One Mind Lab is proud to present Meditations on Color, an exciting...
Diego Alejandro Waisman
Intimate portraits of South Florida's mobile home communities reveal the delicate balance between resilience and vulnerability in the face of urban change. Diego Alejandro Waisman: Sunset Colonies
Ben Nicholson
Ben Nicholson
To say that Ben Nicholson (1894-1982) had a complex relationship with his father would be an understatement. Both were artists, in Sir William Nicholson’s case a...
ArtServe Presents “Burnout and Black Artists: Emotional Sustainability in the Arts”
ArtServe Presents “Burnout and Black Artists: Emotional Sustainability in the Arts”
Exposición individual del artista puertorriqueño Félix Ríos
Félix Ríos exposición individual del artista puertorriqueño
Celia Cruz Centennial Celebration 1925 – 2025
Tribute to Celia Cruz
Next date: Friday, January 31, 2025 | 08:00 PM to 10:00 PM
Pinecrest Gardens 11000 Red Road Pinecrest, Florida 33156