Saturday, September 21, 2024
altamira libros
Pérez Art Museum Miami
Food Truck Painting and Wrapping Services

Looking for a Food truck, Food card or Food trailer?

Looking for a Food truck, Food card or Food trailer in Miami Dade?
Glory of the World: Color Field Painting (1950s to 1983)

Propuesta de obra artistica
Conservation and Restoration Art Service

What are the pros and cons of art Conservation?

Art conservation is a practice dedicated to preserving and maintaining artworks for future generations. It offers several benefits but also presents certain challenges and considerations. Pros of Art Conservation: Preservation of Cultural Heritage: Conservation ensures the...

Beyond Reality by Milton Becerra

META Miami and Henrique Faria New York are pleased to present Beyond Reality by Milton Becerra In truth, the creation of the world always begins again, Edouard Glissant. META Miami and Henrique Faria Fine Art are...
art miami

Art Miami Show

Art Miami Show Group Announces the Cancellation of 2020 Editions of Art Miami, CONTEXT Art Miami and Aqua Shows and Launch of Virtual Fair Offering MIAMI ART CITY Miami, FL September 2, 2020 — The...
Liubov Popova

Liubov Popova

Liubov Popova Rusia, 1889–1924 SuprematismoConstructivismo Liubov Sergueïevna Popova (Любо́вь Серге́евна Попо́ва) fue una de esas artistas rusas asociadas a las vanguardias de la época revolucionaria. Destacó entre sus colegas, situándose en la élite del arte ruso de después de la...
Paul Amundarain

Paul Amundarain, Artista Venezolano, Expone Individualmente en Miami

Paul Amundarain, Artista Venezolano, Expone Individualmente en Miami
Constructivismo, concrete art

Zurich Concrete artists

Zurich Concrete artists Concrete Art/Geometric Abstraction In 1930, the Dutch artist Theo van Doesburg established art concrèt, according to which the composition of a work is to be developed based on objective geometrical principles. Although Van...
Comedian Tanael Joachim

Haitian Stand-Up Comedian Tanael Joachim

Haitian Stand-Up Comedian Tanael Joachim to Perform “Colonizing America” at the Sandrell Rivers Theater TJ returns to Miami for a night of unapologetic comedy The Sandrell Rivers Theater is excited to welcome back Haitian stand-up comedian...
Festival Internacional de Teatro Casandra IMG_1965

El 16 de marzo comienza el Festival Internacional de Teatro Casandra

La Edición VIII del Festival Internacional de Teatro Casandra de Miami, dedicado a la mujer, tendrá lugar entre el sábado 16 y el domingo 24 de marzo. Habrá obras con temáticas femeninas a cargo...
untitled art fairs

Adopting Climate-Conscious Practices

Untitled Art Fairs 24 October 2022 How Art Fairs and Exhibitors are Adopting Climate-Conscious Practices By Annabel Keenan Sustainability has become an urgent concern for collectors, dealers, artists, and institutions across the industry. While groups and individuals have...
Brandon Clarke-Visu Contemporary


Visu Contemporary to Exhibit New Paintings by Brandon Clarke Apr 20-May 11, 2023
Martha Mary Concerts Season Announcement

Martha/Mary Concerts Announces

Martha/Mary Concerts Announces 2021-2022 Season Lineup Miami, FL – September 1, 2021 – Martha/Mary Concerts is pleased to announce their new season with fiveupcoming performances.Sunday, September 12 • 4pmClarice & Sergio Assad with Sammy Figueroa...


BRANCUSI Y LAS MITOLOGÍAS MIRCEA ELIADE junio de 1967 Universidad de Chicago  Recientemente releía yo algunas piezas de la apasionante controversia suscitada en torno a Brancusi. ¿Supo mantenerse como un campesino de los Cárpatos, a pesar del...

Milarepa, crímenes e iluminación

Milarepa, crímenes e iluminación Curador y crítico de arte Eduardo Planchart Licea “Que insensato malgastar la vida, luchando contra enemigos que  no son más que frágiles flores. Es estúpido gastar la vida en un sinsentido, cuando...
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