Monday, March 10, 2025
Emerson Dorsch Presents Judd Schiffman: Mothman in the Bardo

Emerson Dorsch Presents Judd Schiffman: Mothman in the Bardo

Emerson Dorsch Presents Judd Schiffman: Mothman in the Bardo Dorsch is proud to present Mothman in the Bardo, an exhibition of new works by Judd...
Opening Reception: Juan Henriquez IMPROBABLE CORDEL LITERATURE

The House of Art Presents “Improbable Cordel Literature”: Juan Henriquez Solo Show

The House of Art Presents "Improbable Cordel Literature": Juan Henriquez Solo Show Opening Reception: Juan Henriquez, IMPROBABLE CORDEL LITERATURE Miami, FL (September 18, 2024) – The...
Allegories of the Real and the Supernatural

Allegories of the Real and the Supernatural

Allegories of the Real and the Supernatural An exploration of the boundaries between the tangible and the intangible, the everyday and the mystical MoCAA presents "Allegories...
Laundromat Art Space

Laundromat Art Space: Washing Away Boundaries in Miami’s Art Scene

Laundromat Art Space: Washing Away Boundaries in Miami's Art Scene Laundromat Art Space 185 NE 59th Street Miami, FL 33137Free and open to the public [email protected]:...

Diana Lowenstein Gallery

Diana Lowenstein Gallery: A Legacy of Passion and Contemporary Art in Miami's Magic City 326 NE 61st Street Miami, FL 33137 Phone 305.576.1804 Email: [email protected] Located in the heart of Magic...
Hispanic Heritage Celebrated Through Vibrant "Colour Senses" Art Exhibition

Hispanic Heritage Celebrated Through Vibrant “Colour Senses” Art Exhibition

Hispanic Heritage Celebrated Through Vibrant "Colour Senses" Art Exhibition Colour Senses Project is proud to present "Colour Senses", a captivating group art show celebrating Hispanic...

Miami’s Art Scene Buzzed on Saturday, September 14th, with a Plethora of Openings and...

Miami's Art Scene Buzzed on Saturday, September 14th, with a Plethora of Openings and Events Miami's vibrant art scene kicked into high gear on Saturday,...
Elba Bairon. Taos (7), 1997 | Xawery Wolsky. Puzzle, 2005-6.


tableauX OPENING RECEPTIONSATURDAY,  SEPTEMBER 14th - 6 TO 9 PMEXHIBITION ON VIEW FROM SEPTEMBER 14 to NOVEMBER 9, 2024 The concept of the fourth wall provides an edge, separation,...
Unraveling Surrealism: Celebrating Women’s Narratives through Contemporary Fiber Art

“Unraveling Surrealism: Women’s Narratives through Contemporary Fiber Art”

Pinecrest Gardens, in collaboration with the Hartvest Project, the Fiber Artists Miami Association (FAMA), and Threading the City, is proud to present "Unraveling Surrealism:...
stanley brouwn

Stanley Brouwn

Stanley Brouwn: The Measure of a Journey In the realm of conceptual art, where ideas often reign over tangible creations, Dutch artist Stanley Brouwn, born...
Daniel Almeida and Adrian Rivera, Photo courtesy of the artists

The Elephant Never Forgets

Daniel Almeida & Adrian RiveraThe Elephant Never ForgetsNostalgia, identity, and the pervasive influence of media across borders found inan uncanny backstage TV studio lot...
art fusion galleries


Artist of the WeekJOSHUA WINGERTER “Let’s just do it man, see what happens.”This is the philosophy of Josh Wingerter, self-made artist and entrepreneur from Westwego,...
Fabian Gatermann

24! Questions for the Concrete Present

24! Questions for the Concrete Present www.kulturspeicher.dewww.mkk-ingolstadt.deFacebook / Instagram / Facebook / Instagram Museum für Konkrete Kunst, IngolstadtMuseum im Kulturspeicher, Würzburg On Friday, March 22, and Saturday, March 23, 2024, the Museum für...
La gramática alemana y su estructura del pensamiento

La gramática alemana y su estructura del pensamiento

La gramática alemana y su estructura del pensamiento, ¿cómo se relacionan con la estructura del lenguaje? La gramática de un idioma no es solo un...
Luis Cruz Azaceta "Poetic Incongruities"

Luis Cruz Azaceta “Poetic Incongruities”

Luis Cruz Azaceta "Poetic Incongruities" Poetic Incongruities - Press Release.docx September 7 - October 18, 2024 Design District 21 NE 39th Street, Miami, FL 33137 Opening ReceptionSaturday, September 7,...
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