Art Basel, Miami Beach

Event RSVP

Fri, Dec 8, 2023
3pm – 4pm (Miami Beach)
1901 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach

Conversations | Renewing the Institution: How Do Museums Remain Relevant?

Silvia Karman Cubiñá, Executive Director and Chief Curator, The Bass, Miami Beach 

Jillian Jones, Deputy Director, Buffalo AKG Art Museum, Buffalo 

Tonya M. Matthews, President and CEO, International African American Museum, Charleston 

Moderator: András Szántó, author and cultural strategy advisor, Brooklyn 

Many significant US art museums have just completed or are completing redesigns and extensions. These institutions are not only adding more welcoming facilities, they are also adapting to new times. From integrating new technologies to finding new ways of working and engaging audiences, museums are seeking to reassert their relevance today. Here, three leaders reveal how they are resetting their institutions. 

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