A Long Poem: Take Time to…

Art has long been recognized as a powerful means of expression, but its role in society goes beyond mere aesthetics. Art has the ability to provoke thought, invite reflection, engage the audience, and stimulate emotion (1). Furthermore, art has the potential to inspire individuals to question and challenge the current state of reality, motivating them to seek positive change in society. Through the creation of visual representations, such as paintings, sculptures, and installations, artists can convey their perspectives on social issues, spark conversations, and raise awareness about critical topics like climate change. Additionally, art has the capacity to transcend language barriers and connect people from diverse backgrounds, fostering empathy and understanding. By showcasing different perspectives and challenging societal norms, art can disrupt established frameworks and encourage individuals to think critically about the world around them.

In summary, art has the power to transform minds, inspire change, and shape society by stimulating emotions, fostering dialogue, promoting empathy, and questioning prevailing norms and beliefs

Helen Lepp Friesen
The University of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

In “A Long Poem: Take Time to …”, I relate how the people on one city block engaged in a community based “long poem” art project during the Covid-19 pandemic. Arranged in two parts, this paper first looks at the literature on community art and its impact on personal and social health and wellbeing. Second, I describe how a street community art and poetry project led to social engagement, dialogue, healthy interaction, and good memories.

Keep reading https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1297497.pdf

About the Author
Dr. Helen Lepp Friesen teaches in the Rhetoric, Writing, and Communications department at The University of Winnipeg. Outstanding points in her career are meeting and having the privilege of working with hundreds of enthusiastic, talented students. Her research and writing interests are multimodal writing in culturally-diverse classes, including writing classes in prison. During her Research Study leave in 2019, Friesen taught a Composition course at San Quentin State Prison north of San Francisco and also conducted research on the topic of teaching and taking classes in prison through Adams State University in Colorado. She enjoys outdoor activities such as skating, snow sculpting, biking, tennis, running, and of course sidewalk chalk.

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