FUNDarte and CCEMiami present “Rocío García: Beyond eroticism”. This is the artist second solo exhibition in the city of Miami as well as her first retrospective to date.

García, as curator Elvia Rosa Castro said, “is not only one of the best Cuban artists of all time; she is also a cult artist. Influenced by the sequential nature of film and comic strips, as well as her arsenal of imaginary musings, García creates stories in which the plot unfolds subtly between one canvas and another. While the homoerotic theme is one of the discursive platforms for approaching subjects that transcend it, and although her work is not limited to this topic, it must be noted that no other artist in the Cuban art scene, male or female, within or outside of the island, has even remotely broached this subject with García’s honesty, efficiency, and courage”.

Rocío García Nuez was born in Santa Clara, Cuba, in 1955. She studied at the San Alejandro Academy of Arts in Havana between 1970 and 1975. Later, in 1976, she received a grant to study at I. Repin Saint Petersburg State Academy Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture in the former Soviet Union. In 1983, she graduated with a Master’s degree in Fine Arts. Rocío is one of the most renowned artists of contemporary Cuban painting and has taught art for over 30 years at her alma mater in Havana. She has participated in dozens of collective exhibitions, and organized more than 30 personal exhibitions, in Cuba and abroad. Institutions, inside and outside of Cuba, have granted her prestigious awards and artist residencies. She lives and works in Havana.

Opening Reception, Thu. May 24th from 7 PM – 9 PM.

Exhibition continues Fri. May 25 – Fri. June 22, 2018, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM.

Gallery open Monday – Friday closed at weekends.

WHERE: Centro Cultural Español (CCEMiami), 1490 Biscayne Blvd, Miami.


This project has also been made possible by the Program of the state agency Acción Cultural Española (AC/E) for Season of Spanish Musical Heritage as part of the Internationalization of Spanish Culture (PICE), in the Mobility category, which facilitates the presence and collaboration of Spanish artists: Eliseo Parra and Musicians.

Project and organizational support for FUNDarte’s Out in The Tropics 2018 comes in part from Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs and the Mayor and Board of County Commissioners; the National Endowments for the Arts; the City of Miami Beach Cultural Affairs Program, Cultural Arts Council, and the Miami Beach Mayor and City Commissioners; State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs and the Florida Council on Arts and Culture; South Arts; Funding Arts Network (FAN); The Miami Foundation; Acción Cultural Española; Centro Cultural Español; MicroTheater Miami; The Gleason Room at the Fillmore Miami Beach; Miami Beach Botanical Garden, University of Miami Departments of Women and Gender Studies, LGBT Studies, and Modern Languages and Literatures, Miami Art Guide; MiamiArtZine; and The Miami Herald.

Centro Cultural Español de Cooperación Iberoamericana, Inc. (CCEMiami) was founded in 1996. Organized for charitable, educational, artistic, and cultural purposes as set forth in Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code that aims to promote and foster cultural cooperation, local creativity and the creation of a space for dialogue and exchange by means of a culturally relevant and continuous annual program.

Visit to find out more CCEMiami and the network of cultural centers belonging to the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation and Development (AECID). CCE Miami is the only one of its kind in the U.S. with a continuous annual program offered in every cultural discipline.

FUNDarte ( is a multidisciplinary non-profit organization dedicated to producing, presenting, and promoting music, theater, dance, film and visual arts that speak to Miami’s diverse cultures.


FUNDarte y El Centro Cultural Español presentan, la muestra de Rocío García: Más allá del erotismo. Esta es la segunda exposición individual del artista en la ciudad de Miami, así como su primera retrospectiva hasta la fecha. García, en palabras de la curadora Elvia Rosa Castro, “no es solo uno de las mejores artistas cubanas de todos los tiempos; ella es también una artista de culto. Influenciada por la naturaleza secuencial del cine y de las historietas de cómic, así como de su arsenal de reflexiones imaginarias, García crea historias en las que la trama se desarrolla sutilmente entre un lienzo y otro. Si bien el tema homoerótico es una de las plataformas discursivas para abordar temas que lo trascienden, y aunque su trabajo no se limita a este tema, debe señalarse que ningún otro artista en la escena artística cubana, hombre o mujer, dentro o fuera de la isla, ha abordado remotamente este tema con la honestidad, la eficiencia y la valentía de García”.

Rocío García Nuez nació en Santa Clara, Cuba, en 1955. Estudió en la Academia de Artes de San Alejandro en La Habana entre 1970 y 1975. Más tarde, en 1976, recibió una beca para estudiar en I. Repin Instituto de la Academia Estatal de San Petersburgo de Pintura, Escultura y Arquitectura en la antigua Unión Soviética. En 1983, se graduó con una Maestría en Bellas Artes. Rocío es una de las artistas más reconocidas de la pintura cubana contemporánea y ha enseñado arte por más de 30 años en su alma mater en La Havana. Ha participado en docenas de exposiciones colectivas y ha organizado más de 30 exposiciones personales en Cuba y en el extranjero. Las instituciones, dentro y fuera de Cuba, le han otorgado prestigiosos premios y residencias artísticas. Ella vive y trabaja en La Havana.


Exposición Más allá del erotismo, de Rocío García (Cuba)

Centro Cultural Español –CCEMiami (1490 Biscayne Blvd, Miami)

Opening, Jueves 24 de mayo de 7 PM – 9 PM.

Horarios: Del viernes 25 de mayo al viernes 22 de junio de 2018, de 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM.

Horarios galería: Abierta de lunes a viernes. Cerrada Sábado-domingo

Admisión gratuita

El proyecto y el apoyo organizativo para Out in The Tropics 2018 de FUNDarte proviene en parte del Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs and the Mayor and Board of County Commissioners; the National Endowments for the Arts; the City of Miami Beach Cultural Affairs Program, Cultural Arts Council, and the Miami Beach Mayor and City Commissioners; State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs and the Florida Council on Arts and Culture; South Arts; Funding Arts Network (FAN); The Miami Foundation; Acción Cultural Española; Centro Cultural Español; MicroTheater Miami; The Gleason Room at the Fillmore Miami Beach; Miami Beach Botanical Garden, University of Miami Departments of Women and Gender Studies, LGBT Studies, and Modern Languages and Literatures, Miami Art Guide; MiamiArtZine; and The Miami Herald.El Centro Cultural Español de Cooperación Iberoamericana, Inc.

(CCEMiami) fue fundado en 1996. Organizado con fines caritativos, educativos, artísticos y culturales como se establece en la Sección 501 (c) (3) del Código de Rentas Internas que tiene como objetivo promover y fomentar la cooperación cultural, la creatividad local y la creación de un espacio para el diálogo y el intercambio a través de un programa anual culturalmente relevante y continuo. Visite para conocer más sobre CCEMiami y la red de centros culturales pertenecientes a la Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID). CCE Miami es el único de este tipo en los EE. UU. Con un programa anual continuo ofrecido en todas las disciplinas culturales.

FUNDarte ( es una organización multidisciplinaria sin fines de lucro dedicada a la producción, presentación y promoción de música, teatro, danza, cine y artes visuales que se relacionan con las diversas culturas de Miami.

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