Where to Study Color

This list is provided solely as a reference.We do not endorse any of the following institutions and do not have any information regarding accreditation, certification, etc. Also, if any of the links do not work, please Google the name of the educational institution.

Perez Art Museum PAMM
Pérez Art Museum Miami

After a years of research and some input from our website visitors, we came up with a list of educational institutions that offer courses in color. By no means is it a complete list … but it’s a beginning. If we don’t have a listing for your state or country, it’s due to the fact that we haven’t received any information from you. (And this is purely volunteer work on our part.)

Please help with this list! Submit the name and url of the school or university that offers a dedicated course in color. In other words, a specific course in color. Science, art….any discipline. A url for the course or Art/Design Department is required. We will not post general information about art/design departments schools and Universities that don’t offer a dedicated course in color.

Where to Study Color – An Alphabetical Listing


International School of Color and Design (Sydney, Australia)
Colour Design Diploma offered

Julian Ashton Art School (Sydney, Australia)
Colour Light and Vision. Intensive 5-day/weekend workshops in all aspects of colour and lighting relevant to the artist.

tafeSA – Marleston Campus
Colour Studies

University of theSunshine Coast – Queensland
Offers numerous courses that include the colour theory and research.

The School of Colour and Design Australia

COFA, the College of Fine Arts of the University of New South Wales
Sydney, Australia – The School of Art offers two courses (SART 2836 + SART 9742) in colour to undergraduates and postgraduates including an interdisciplinary course dedicated to the study of the languages and the semiotics of colour.The School of Art History also offers a course (SAHT 2215) on the history of colour theory.

The Brisbane Institute of Art (BIA)
Queensland, Auatralia – Offers two colour courses “Colour Mixing Made Easy” and “Colourful Compositions”


Royal Academy for Fine Arts, Antwerp
Courses on color theory & history


Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design (Vancouver, BC)
Every student is required to take a Colour course in their foundation year.

Ontario College of Art and Design
Toronto, ON
Studio Course: Colour Theory and Practice. Also many foundation courses in colour.

British Columbia Institue of Technology
INTD 2130 Colour for Interior Design


IUP ARTS APPLIQUÉS, Montauban, France (Licence 3 et Master)
Master Couleur/Architecture-Espace, Strabsourg, France

Summer program in Paris – Colorado College
AS 110/210 4610 Color: Theory and Practice


University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Hildesheim, Germany
Full-time “Colour Design” study – several courses in color theory, color planning, history of color, etc.


Institute for Color Science and Technology


Color Design and Technology


IACC Schools of Japan for Color and Interior Design


RCG – Seoul
Ramies Colorist in Gang-nam
Korean instructed courses offered are:
Colour Theory Specialize, Fashion Colourist, Environment Colourist, Media Art Colourist, and State Registered Colourist (S. Korea)


Grupo Nasco, S.A. de C.V
Courses of Color Science and Light, Color Theory basics, Quality Control, Formulation, etc. Custom courses availabl.
(For many application (sPlastics, Paints, Graphic Arts, Textile and more).


Gjøvik University College, Gjøvik, Norway
Provides several courses on color, within their media-related bachelor and master programmes.
Also, the web site of our master programmes which are now taught in English to accomodate international students


Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal
Master’s of Color in Architecture.

South Africa

Technikon Natal Foundation
Offers a course in colour theory

United Kingdom

Centre for Colour Design Technology
University of Leeds (UK)

Department of Colour Chemistry
University of Leeds

City Lit [Adult Education College
Covent Garden, Central London
Evening and weekend courses on colour throughout the year

London Art College
Colour Awareness course for artists which is a distance learning course.

Holistic Design Institute
Special courses in Colour Thereapeutics

Irish International School of Colour Therapy
UK acredited school offers international home study

Colour Therapy and Colur Workshops

The Design Ecademy
Colour Consultancy Course –http://www.thedesignecademy.com/online-colour-consultancy-course


IACC Education Programs World-Wide

Europe – Multiple locations in Spain/France/Finland/Norway

CIMET – Color in Informatics and Media Technology
A masters program that is a collaboration between the University of Saint-Etienne (France), University of Joensuu (Finland), University of Granada (Spain) and Gjøvik University College (Norway)

 United States

Some great guides

Interior Design Degrees & Programs Guide
This is a comprehensive and unbiased list of every school that offers an Interior Design Degree in the US.

Online learning

MFA Degree Programs
This is a a website to help up and coming artists who are looking for an MFA degree program in the the visual arts and performance arts.

Resources for Art Students

Guide to art scholarships

Updated guide to architecture

Best Trade Schools

Arts & Design Programs with Locations in All 50 States


United States – State Listings


Harding University, Searcy, Arkansas
Dept. of Art & Design
Course: Color Theory/Art 260


Californa State – Long Beach
Color Theory

California State Universty, Sacramento
Color courses offered:
Art Department – http://www.asn.csus.edu/art/
Design Department – http://www.csus.edu/design/

Cuesta College- San Luis Obispo
Art 229 COLOR offered in Division of Fine Arts

Fresno State University
Interaction of Color class

The University of California, Santa Cruz Extension
Color Theory and Practice

San Francisco State University – Interior Design Dept.
Offers a dedicated class in color , ID 240 – Color and Design.

UCLA Extension – Professional Level Interior Design Program.
Los Angeles, California, USA
Color Theory X452

City College in San Francisco
Offers Color in Design – 150, Photo 55 -Color Theory in Photography, Photo 95 -A&B Beginning and Intermediate Color Printing.

IACC Seminars for Color and Environment
San Diego , California

MiraCosta Community College
Design and Color


University of Denver
ARTS 1055 – Color Theory
An investigative introduction to color theory and practical color application


Connecticut College
ART 210 CC: DECODING COLOR – Decoding Color: Factual vs. Actual Color

University of Hartford
Two excellent foundation courses in 2D design, one on black and white and one on color.


Florida State University
Color course

Florida A&M
Color courses


Atlanta College of Art (Atlanta)
Several courses in color, including “Color Projects” – an interdisciplinary course on color.


Harrington Institute of Interior Design (Chicago)
Fundamentals of Color in Interior Design


Fort Hayes State University
Art Department – http://www.fhsu.edu/art/
Color course


University of Kentucky
Art Department – http://www.uky.edu/FineArts/Art/
Color course

Eastern Kentucky University
Art Department – http://www.art.eku.edu/
Color course

Western Kentucy University
Art DepartmentColor course


Villa Julie College
Art Department – http://www4.vjc.edu/Art/
Color course


Fitchburg State College
Graphic Design Department – http://raven.fsc.edu/graphics/
Color course

Boston Architectural College
Color Course – Download PDF for course


College for Creative Studies – Detroit
 MFA – Color & Materials Design

Cranbrook Academy of Art
(Dazzling web site but no information about courses)

Western Michigan University
Art Department – http://www.wmich.edu/cfa/
Color course

Eastern Michigan University and Detroit Colour Council
Short courses and workshops:: Color Technology  and  Detroit CC Training


University of Minnesota – Twin Cities
Color Design Course


Southwest Missouri State
Course in Color Theory

Central Missouri State University/ Art Department
Design II – Color Theory & Design Principles

University of Missouri-Columbia.
A dedicated course: Color Theory.


University of Nebraska -Kearney
Art Department – http://www.unk.edu/acad/art/

New York

SUNY Purchase College – State University of New York
“The World of Color” – covers the fundamentals of color theory and its broad range of applicationst – Carole Pfeffer

Pratt Institute
Course in Light & Color

Rocherster Institute of Technology

RIT Munsell Color Science Laboratory

University of Buffalo – Department of Architecture
The online course offerings include a graduate course on color -“Color Culture” which focuses on the relationship between color and three-dimensional space.
E-mail: tauke@ap.buffalo.edu

North Carolina

Appalachian State University
Art DepartmentColor course


Columbus College of Art and Design
Color courses – including MFA of Color and Material Design


Carnegie Mellon
Color and Communication course

Moore College of Art
Color course

Moravian College
Bethlehem, PA
Course Name: AR195 Color

Art Institue of Pittsburgh
Offers a Color Theory course that is included in many of their programs


Oral Roberts University – Art Department
Color in Design – Art 105

Rhode Island

Rhode Island School of Design
Fundamentals of Color course


Memphis College of Art
Color courses including “Color, Form, Painting”

University of Memphis
Art Department
Color course


San Antonio College, San Antonio, Texas
Design III – a dedicated course in color theory

Texas A&M Corpus Christi
Design 3 – Color Class – Summer

Austin Community College
Visual Communication Department
Course description for Color Theory


Virginia Commonwealth University
Interior Design Department has a one semester on color and light.


Salt Lake Community College
Theory & Psychology of Color


The Seattle Academy of Fine Art
Color Theory (from classical to modern)is included in every painting course. Also, veryspecific programs in color theory.

Cornish College of the Arts
Several color courses

School of Visual Concepts
Color courses


University of Wyoming – Art Department
Color Foundations course

Printing shop in Kendall, FL
Printing service