What is Performance:

Performance is an English word meaning performance, realization, representation, interpretation, fact, achievement, or performance.

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Pérez Art Museum Miami

The word performance comes from the English verb to perform, which means to carry out, complete, execute, or effect.

Performance art, also known as action art, involves the staging of scenic elements that may include resources such as improvisation and interaction.

As a feminine noun, performance is the result, achievement, or performance obtained from a specific test, race, research, or project as, for example, “Not much was expected of the team, but after a fantastic performance, they managed to win the game.

Performance in art

Performance, performance art, or artistic action is a form of creative expression that involves staging and can include various disciplines such as music, poetry, video, or theater.

Performance appeared as a type of performing arts around the 1960s. In this sense, it includes the key elements of performing arts, which are the interpretation, the stage, and the spectator.

A performance can also be considered part of the visual arts if the aesthetic values framed in the visual stimulus are the work’s protagonists.

The visual arts include all essentially visual artistic expressions in the form of painting, sculpture, architecture, cinema, photography, and contemporary art expressions, in which performance is included.

Many performances use improvisation as a resource. The absence of fixed scripts and the provocation of the artists, who create a natural interaction with the other members and with the public, create a spontaneity that characterizes many of these types of artistic expressions, attracting new followers.

Performance (art)

Performance is an English word meaning work, representation, or artistic display. It is related to the arts and is widely used to refer to this type of artistic production.

A performance is elaborated by several members with the pretension of representing a work of art.

This type of art, which has an official birth date of 1916, is a manifestation in which the artist’s body is fundamental to carrying out this type of work.

Performance art has always been considered an art in wine, free, natural, and without established codes. It is a way to experience a work of art through the body rhythms of the components that interpret it.

Characteristics of performance art

These are the main characteristics of performance art:

  • The members mainly carry out the elaboration of the works and the work reflected in them. The scenarios are not so important, but they are based especially on the physical aspect. The use of the artists’ bodies is very important when realizing this type of artistic creation.
  • The stage can be any stage. There is yet to be an established site where they can be performed.
  • The elements that come together in this type of work are the artist’s body, the duration, the space in which it takes place, and the relationship between the artist and the audience that attends.
  • Different artistic manifestations can be included within a performance: dances, music, paintings, drama… It can agglutinate different facets, combining all of them in that performance.
  • Nudity is a common feature of this type of manifestation. It is not compulsory, but it is often included in performance art.

What are the objectives of performance art?

These are the main ones:

  • Provocation is one of the main objectives. For this reason, interaction with the audience is usually very common and necessary; it is part of the performance. They usually motivate the audience to participate and interact. For example, it is very common in the shows of La Fura dels Baus.
  • It moves away from any established format. It is not a classical work but combines many disciplines and integrates them coherently. In the end, it is like a work of art in live and continuous action, which highlights its freedom of execution.
  • They encourage the visual aspect, one of the most striking aspects of this type of art.

This is a great question that often confuses me! While the terms seem interchangeable, key distinctions exist between “performance art” and “art performance.”

Performance Art vs Art Performance

Performance art is a genre within visual art where the artist uses their body, actions, and presence as the medium. It’s often conceptual and focuses on ideas, social commentary, or exploring the limits of art itself. The “performance” is the artwork, not a representation of something else. It often involves:  

  • Conceptual focus: The idea behind the performance is central.  
  • Ephemerality: The performance exists only in the moment it’s happening.  
  • Unpredictability: There might not be a set script or outcome.  
  • Audience interaction: The audience may be directly involved or invited to participate.  
  • Examples: Marina Abramović’s “Rhythm 0” and Yoko Ono’s “Cut Piece.”  

On the other hand, art performance is a broader term that encompasses any artistic presentation or exhibition involving live action. This includes traditional performing arts like:

  • Theatre: Actors portraying characters and telling stories.  
  • Dance: Movement and choreography are the primary forms of expression.
  • Music: Live musical performances.

However, “art performance” can also include:

  • Performance art: As explained above.
  • Happenings: Spontaneous and unscripted performances, often with audience participation.  
  • Live art: A broad term encompassing various forms of live artistic expression.  

Key differences:

  • Intention: Performance art is primarily concept-driven, while art performance can be driven by skill, narrative, or entertainment.  
  • Focus: Performance art often focuses on the artist’s body and presence as the art object, while art performance can concentrate on a broader range of elements, including storytelling, skill demonstration, and audience engagement.  

Think of it this way: all performance art is art performance, but not all art performance is performance art.

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